Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Using a Taught Algebra Crash Course

Using a Taught Algebra Crash CourseHaving a teaching assistant available for students who require extra help to complete algebra crash course can be highly beneficial to the students. As a tutor, it is essential to be supportive in teaching subjects like math to ensure that all of the students to obtain the required knowledge.First thing to keep in mind while dealing with the students is that your students will have different kinds of learning skills and knowledge; it is essential that you understand each individual student's performance before proceeding with any plan. You may want to take advantage of this and introduce the concepts before they become familiar with the concept. This will help them understand what you are talking about.Many of us are experiencing multiple simultaneous learning experiences at the same time and students may not know how to handle this, as well as need support. Being a teaching assistant is one way to help you with this. You can use a tutor to guide th e students through the subject material and help them process the information.Tutors who have been in the field for a long time have accumulated a great deal of experience that can be beneficial to a lot of people. If you do not have prior experience in the teaching field, it is better to seek assistance from others who have been successful. There are several areas that will help you tutor students in various fields such as literacy, education, grammar, and other subjects. Your tutor could also help students in finding academic resources such as the AP Calculus or IB Calculus questions.To help students with basic understanding and comprehension, a tutor could provide them with an online calculator or other basic tools that will make the course easier to understand. To help students succeed in the course, it is important that they get all the required knowledge. To help them get through the course successfully, a tutor could provide the needed support by providing extra help when nee ded.An instructor can also be considered as a tutor to his or her students. Not only will this provide assistance to his or her students but the students are able to retain the concepts as well. With the help of an instructor, a student can even build confidence in performing algebra in the class.Students in general will gain interest in the subject if they have a better understanding of its foundations. You should make sure that you provide the necessary support that the students need to be successful. By employing a tutor for your class, you can even improve your own understanding of the subject.To learn more about algebra in general, you could try joining online tutoring centers and enrolling in regular classes to see how good students do in math and other subjects. Online tutoring can help you with your own learning as well as assist you in completing other courses.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Learn More About Chemistry With Online On Demand Tutors

Learn More About Chemistry With Online On Demand TutorsIf you want to learn about chemistry and there is no space in your schedule, then an online on demand tutor is the best solution for you. Through online on demand tutoring, you will be able to learn more about chemistry. The idea is to teach you more about the subject so that you have enough knowledge about it.An online tutor can do this for you. He will help you understand all the basic subjects about chemistry. This will give you an insight of how the chemistry is. The on demand online tutor will help you to understand more about chemistry so that you have enough knowledge about it.The tutor has the proper training and technical background in this subject. It is not possible for him to know all the different aspects of chemistry. This is the reason why you need an online on demand tutor. He will help you to learn about chemistry.Through online on demand tutor, you will be able to learn about the various elements of the subject. He will teach you the elements which are involved in the chemistry and how they work. You will be able to learn more about how the elements work and how they are used.You will also be able to get to know about other important subjects like astrophysics, general physics, chemical reactions and electric circuits etc. He will teach you these subjects through on demand online tutoring. You will be able to learn more about these subjects through online on demand online tutor. He will teach you all the important aspects of these subjects.You will be able to get more information about science through online on demand online tutor. Through on demand online tutor, you will be able to learn more about this subject. If you are a newcomer in this subject, then you will be able to gain more knowledge about this subject from on demand online tutor. He will teach you about this subject thoroughly.Online on demand tutoring is really the best way to learn chemistry. These online tutors will guide y ou to learn all the important aspects of this subject. You will be able to understand how it works and how it is important to the environment. You will also be able to learn more about the different elements of this subject.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Six Helpful Pointers For Learning To Play Guitar Solos

Six Helpful Pointers For Learning To Play Guitar Solos Suzy S. What kind of preparation, thought, and practice goes into creating the best guitar solos? Take these six tips from Austin guitar teacher Samuel B. and youll be well on your way to guitar glory In reality, theres probably no way to effectively teach someone to improvise. At this point in the curriculum, the student is ready to begin exploring that mysterious terrain known as expression. Though the parameters (an understanding of guitar scales and corresponding keys) are necessities, youll be on your own at this point in ways in which you have not previously been. The good news is you will have already learned whole songs that youre now ready to jazz up with advanced touches. While artistry (virtually by definition) is something that should be met with minimal-to-no interference, Ive included pointers that should provide friendly encouragement to accompany your early development as a soloist. There are no right or wrong notes. Though youll want to remain firmly entrenched within the confines of a single scale (which you will have learned at the beginning of your guitar lessons) what you play is really up to you. Some notes do of course sound better than others, but the trick here is to create a melody as you would while singing to yourself. I  recommend starting with three notes only. After a while, youll be in a position to branch out. Envisioning what you want to play a few seconds ahead of time will improve your delivery. On more than one occasion, it was brought to my attention that the best guitar solos are the ones for which a mental map has been created. Understand that youre using your instrument as a means of communicating an internal message one that transcends the boundaries of spoken language. Your job is to articulate that message not with words but rather with a sequence of notes. Youre responsible for determining the sequence that best articulates your internal cadences. You can learn a lot by listening. “You can observe a lot by watching” is sage advice attributable to baseball legend Yogi Berra. Playing a great solo is a comparable feat of conscious imitation. The trick is here is to imagine yourself in the shoes of whichever guitar heroes youve picked as role models and to try and follow the thought patterns that inspired their specific choices of notes. This way, youll learn to implement those patterns in your own playing. There will always be new tricks to learn. While waiting for a student to arrive, I find myself puttering with a note pattern that was likely inspired by my fondness for the music of Stevie Ray Vaughan. Though Ive been a guitarist for nearly a quarter of a century, Im finding the specific pieces of his unique brand of musical bombast very difficult to assemble and imitate. Multiple tricks of unfamiliarity (quick changes in tempo for instance) play into the equation. Always be open to new ideas. Ever since I was a teenager, Ive made a point of not restricting my solos to a mere recitation of the notes of a scale. Ive combined notes (playing more than one at a time) and even bent them with the same finger. Ive also branched out into enharmonic ones on either side of whichever position corresponds to the solo effectively allowing my left hand to dance up and down the neck a bit. Accept no limitations. Im convinced that all of us have a tendency to impose limits on our speed, dexterity, fluidity, and knowledge. In other words, we have an innate desire to reach a certain plateau (a musical one in this case) and coast. The truth is that nothing is more potentially damaging to ones musicianship than coasting. Knowledge and skills are two things that should be steadily and actively pursued. Samuel B. teaches beginner  guitar lessons in Austin, TX. He teaches lessons face-to-face without sheet music, which is his adaptation of Japanese instruction (involving a call-and-response method).  Learn more about Samuel here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo  by  jikatu

The World of Work

The World of Work Are Schools Preparing Students for a Future that Doesn’t Exist? ChaptersThe future World of WorkThe Industrial Model of EducationWhat is Success?What are the material markers of a successful life?A steady job?A high salary?Owning a house?What do you need to do to achieve these?  Traditionally, the pathway to this golden future would be an academic success at school, leading to a place at a good university and then on to a high-flying job in a big company. But will that still be the case in the future? Is it even the case  now? CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 ( 3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe future World of WorkIn his new book, ‘Beyond Nine to Five‘, Ade McCormack writes that the old industrial models of work are dying o ut and being replaced by models that are more collaborative, flexible, highly creative and entrepreneurial.‘Over time, if your job can be done by a robot, it will be done by a robot‘-Ade McCormackWe now live in a digital economy, and McCormack believes  that this new economy only needs ‘leaders’ and ‘doers’. The hierarchical organisation of old, with the boss at the top, managers in the middle and lowly workers at the bottom has a soon-to-be-reached expiration date.In the digital economy, people do not have to have just one career. Now more than ever, there are a variety of different career frameworks to choose from (permanent employment, freelancing, hybrid, entrepreneurial), and a person can move between these different modes throughout their life, and even run some of them in parallel.The future world of work will be shaped by certain key drivers, writes McCormack: globalisation, an economic power shift to the East and South, technology advances, energy security and t alent shortage. The nature  of work is being reshaped and we must recognise that if we are to thrive.How well is school preparing our children for the world of work? Photo Source: UnsplashThe Industrial Model of EducationUnfortunately, McCormack goes on to say that schooling has not yet caught up with this brave new world of work. According to him, our schools are simply continuing in the grand industrial-age tradition of converting free-thinking pre-schoolers into compliant cogs ready to slot into a system that no longer has a place for them. He isn’t alone in this harsh assessment.The educationalist  John Taylor Gatto  said in his  acceptance speech  for the New York City Teacher of the Year Award back in 1990 that:‘The truth is that schools don’t really teach anything except how to obey orders.’He didn’t blame teachers or a lack of money â€" Taylor Gatto felt it was simply that the school model made true education impossible.McCormack believes  that in order to equip yo ung people with the skills to do well in the future world of work, our education system needs to encourage risk-taking, promote self-ownership of one’s life, develop artistry, provide students with the tools to help them find their true path and encourage students to defend their ideas whilst also being open to new information and experiences. There is no place for conformity and risk aversion in this new world.What is Success?But before we rush to tear down the old system and replace it with one we feel will help students achieve success in the future, we should ask ourselves some questions:Are the old measures of success  still valid? Are high salaries, steady jobs and home ownership achievable or even desirable?Or could there be other measures of  a successful life? If we replace the word ‘success’ with ‘wellbeing’, how might that change the discussion?In ‘Top Five Regrets of the Dying‘,  a news article that has received almost 180k shares on social media, it is tel ling that  every one of the regrets people have relates to failures in relationships with themselves and with their friends and family.Failure to make enough money, buy a house or climb to the top of the career ladder don’t get a look in.

ACT English Tips

ACT English Tips At first, the English section of the ACT may seem insurmountable. You must select the best and most grammatically sound option from complex and sophisticated choices. At times, it may seem as though each answer is equally correct or incorrect. You will also be asked about the purpose, organization, and style of passages, which may be dense and difficult to understand. If you struggle in english you may want to consider an ACT english tutorwho can help you with your studies or aprep book. However, there are several strategies you can apply to the English portion of the ACT in order to make questions more comprehensible and to maximize your score: 1. Answer simple questions first Questions in the English section are ordered by their location within the passages, not their difficulty. As you progress through the selection, address easy questions first generally, these are ones that ask about grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Skip the more difficult problems those that ask large questions about the main point of the passage or the purpose of the author until you finish reading the piece and have a strong sense of its meaning. If you are stopped by a particular question, move on you will earn the same points for problems irrespective of difficulty, so do not waste your time on one when you could be quickly answering two or three in the same amount of time.Here are some great tips on how to prep for the ACT english sectionthat you may find useful. 2. Context is important Even when you are correcting grammar or sentence structure, it may be helpful to understand the larger context. If the answer has correct grammar but changes the meaning of the sentence or phrase, it is most certainly the wrong choice. If the underlined portion is only several words in length, read the entire sentence; if a sentence is underlined, skim the sentence immediately before and after in order to locate the context. 3. Finish the passage before moving on Time is crucial on this section and the ACT as a whole. Here, questions are related to one of five reading passages. If you return to a question later, you will most likely have to reread the selection to remember its content. This wastes valuable time. Instead, answer all questions in the passage before addressing the next piece, even if you have to make educated guesses. This is some great information onhow the ACT is scored that you may want to take a look a before taking the test. 4. Embrace the No Change answer On usage and mechanics questions in the English portion, you are presented with the option of choosing the original form of the underlined portion as the correct answer. Since the ACT gives equal odds to each answer choice on the exam, there is a 25% chance that No Change will be the correct response. Often, students are compelled to always choose another answer, or to believe that the No Change option is a trap. However, it is the valid choice one out of four times, so be certain to consider it when answering problems. 5. Eliminate answer choices This is a useful tip on all the sections of the ACT. Consider all four answers and then eliminate those that are clearly wrong. You will not have to compare all the possibilities in order to determine the correct one. Nor will you be influenced by an incorrect answer that is addressing a different grammatical concept or that is changing the meaning of the underlined portion. You may want to take a few ACT practice teststo help you prepare as well.

Our Advice To Master English Pronunciation

Our Advice To Master English Pronunciation Our Tips For Good English Language Teaching ChaptersHow Can You Perfect Your Pronunciation?What Is The English Accent?The Importance Of Flexibility In Speaking EnglishListen To English To Improve Your PronunciationCommon Pronunciation Errors In EnglishFrustration When Learning EnglishAlthough English does not use any written accents to give clues to the way that the language should be spoken. There are some stringent rules about English pronunciation, which should be followed if you want to be correctly understood.It can be challenging to understand the notion of the hidden tonic accent in English, and many words just have to be learnt individually. For example the word ‘read' which can be said in 2 ways, both have different meanings. This word has no accents or indications of how to read the word nor which pronunciation is correct until it is added to a sentence to give context.We see this occurs a lot in English, for example, why are two words that are almost identical (beard and heard) not pronounced following the same ru les? To communicate in English, follow our advice and we will squash some of these mysteries! JulianESOL (English) Teacher 4.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EugeneESOL (English) Teacher 4.90 (58) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HelenESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (20) £32/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SuzanneESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (2) £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (8) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamuelESOL (English) Teacher 4.83 (41) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoanneESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (43) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow Can You Perfect Your Pronunciation?You will have noticed, that pronunciation in English is very different from your own language. If you already practice English, you probably already know about the different element s that are involved: • The pronunciation of English sounds. • The pronunciation of English words. • The rhythm of the sentence. • The intonation within a sentence.There different English sounds internationally. Photo Source: UnsplashIt is very likely that even with a grammatically correct sentence, that you have already been misunderstood, especially by a native English person. A significant part of proper pronunciation is practising the language and learning how to pronounce each word.Even native English speakers have to do this because how you read a word does not always equal how you say it. For example, ‘Southwark' which is an area in London is not said how it read. I used to see tourists come onto the bus all the time asking for South-Walk and no one knew what they were talking about. But once you learn that the area is called suth-ark, you can be immediately understood.In this case, you need to learn this word independently and add it to the long list of irregular wo rds in the English language.What Is The English Accent?English is one of the most commonly spoken languages on the planet, many countries speak English as a first language. All of which have their own expression of the language. To complicate matters further not only are there different English sounds internationally and different ways to pronounce words but also within countries you can find different pronunciations.Make friends internationally with people who are open to globalism. Photo Source: UnsplashIn the United Kingdom, the spoken accent between the north and south of the country as very different. For example, when I travel from London up to the north in Scotland, I do struggle to understand the English spoken there. While the English words have a similar meaning worldwide, the rhythm and the intonation do differ significantly in all parts of the English speaking world.So when we speak about English accents, it is better to try to focus on one country zone at a time. For ex ample, asking what is the English accent like in the united kingdom or the USA is a more straightforward question to answer although still too broad to give a sensible answer. The English accent is vast and varied all over the world. JulianESOL (English) Teacher 4.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EugeneESOL (English) Teacher 4.90 (58) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HelenESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (20) £32/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SuzanneESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (2) £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (8) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamuelESOL (English) Teacher 4.83 (41) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoanneESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (43) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Importance Of Flexibility In Speaking EnglishThe first step to speaking Engl ish as a native is to agree to be flexible in the way that you speak. Indeed, it is often said that children learn English more easily, but children are just more flexible in their thinking and have no problem changing their way of thinking and speaking. But adults are only as able to pronounce English correctly and progress in the English language provided they agree to change the way they form their words and express them verbally.Listen To English To Improve Your PronunciationIf it is your aim to learn to speak English quickly, it is best to listen to it as often as possible! This can be in conversations, in movies, on the radio, online or in exchanges. This is how children learn to speak their mother tongue. Using the same technique and given dedication and patience, you can do the same. Listening and imitating is of course very important when you are working to improve your pronunciation skills.Regularly learning by exposure is a great way to make your language learning more ac cessible. Listen to the radio in English, watch films in English listen to music in English, you have access to English in many areas all of which can help to solidify your learning.But be careful, not only to listen do back up everything you are hearing with lessons about what it is that you are learning.Tips For Where To Find Opportunities To Improve Your English Language Skills.YouTube has many wonderful videos which can help you learn all about how to pronounce a word in English.  Audible is an audiobook website which allows you to listen to books. The great thing about this is that you can buy the book in English and follow along with audible.Netflix and Amazon Prime are a few online streaming services which allow you to watch movies, documentaries and TV series with subtitles. The great thing is that they also have options to listen in multiple languages and read subtitles in various languages too.Listen To English To Improve Your Pronunciation. Photo Source: UnsplashOnline ap ps like Babbel which allow you to meet with other language learners and improve your English oral skills by exchanging a language or working together.Websites like Couchsurfing are an international travel community where you can also interview new English people or make friends internationally with people who are open to globalism and meeting people from other cultures and background.The point of couch surfing is for you to share your culture and help people from other countries. In their forums, you can find many English speakers who will be willing to help you. Also, should you choose to you could host an English speaker in your home or travel to meet a native English speaker.You can join forums like those on the lonely planet website to meet people who would like to help people from other countries so that you can learn and concrete your English.Common Pronunciation Errors In EnglishErrors in English are easy to make and hard to correct when you are unsure of what mistake it is t hat you have made. Some common errors seen in English are: Pronouncing the ‘th' - This is one of the hardest sounds to pronounce in English, and it can be pronounced in a few different ways.Confusing the ‘L' and the ‘R' - these sound are often mixed up which gives a different meaning to the words altogether. For example Rice and Lice. Confusing the ‘W' and the ‘V' - This is often noticed when saying the word water or west. Again saying Vater instead of water gives your sentence a different meaning which could give confusion to listeners.The changing intonation with the letter ‘E' - Adding an ‘e' to a word changes the syllables, for example Not and Note although they look the same are not said with the same intonation. Not is said with 1 syllable and Note has 2 syllables. Silent consonants â€" Many words in the English language contain letters which are silent, words like Wednesday which are said Wensday. It is hard to know which words have silent letters as there is no structured rule to define how it works.Learning the words with silent letters is an excellent way to make sure that you are pronouncing words correctly.Frustration When Learning EnglishEnglish can be a very frustrating language with its different rules, lack of structure and disconnection between the pronunciation and writing of the language. This is perfectly expressed in the poem Our strange lingo(source: https://www.7spell.com/our-strange-lingo-a-humorous-look-at-pronunciation/).When the English tongue we speak. Why is break not rhymed with freak? Will you tell me why it's true We say sew but likewise few? And the maker of the verse, Cannot rhyme his horse with worse? Beard is not the same as heard Cord is different from word. Cow is cow but low is low Shoe is never rhymed with foe. Think of hose, dose, and lose And think of goose and yet with choose Think of comb, tomb and bomb, Doll and roll or home and some. Since pay is rhymed with say Why not paid with said I pray? Think of blood, food and good. Mould is not pronounced like could. Wherefore done, but gone and lone â€" Is there any reason known? To sum up all, it seems to me Sound and letters don't agree.The inconsistencies in English comes about because the language has been inspired by Germanic, Norse, French, Italian, Arabic and many more languages. Since we can't change the rules of English spelling and pronunciation, we might as well learn what we can and study hard to overcome them. Enjoy and good luck!